Monday, March 28, 2011

The First Blog

Hello! I've been a Freelance Cartoonist for some time now and years ago I had the idea of doing a weekly email to my friends and family, mainly due to the fact I'm very slack when it comes to keeping in contact with people (This was pre-social networking, now when have Facebook so lazy people like me can still keep friends!). So I used to send out a cartoon and have a bit of a rant in the email every week (well I tried every week, I did slip here and there) and the list of recipients was rather small. But over the years the list grew quite big and the email itself evolved as well, unfortunately a few years ago due to my change in work I didn't have as much spare time and the email kind of fell by the wayside, which was a shame. Near the end though I had 2 friends suggest to me that the email should evolve further into a Blog, which I thought was a really cool idea. So years later here we are, I now no longer have that job and I'm a full-time stay at home dad. My beautiful son Dash is definitely a full-time gig, but thanks to his awesome mother and my number one lady Penelope, he goes to daycare on Mondays so his Daddy can start drawing cartoons again! So here it is my cartoon blog, I'll try my best to upload a cartoon every Monday and with it I plan to rant a bit here and there but more importantly I intend to give everyone a little insight into how I create my cartoons. Please give me feedback, I love feedback, even if it's a quick "I like it" or "I don't like it".

I hope you enjoy!


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