Monday, November 28, 2011

Coming Soon....Frustration

As promised, here's a new cartoon! See, I try and keep my promises, even though I probably shouldn't have today as we really should have gotten the house sprayed again for fleas again. Yes, we still have friggin' fleas in the house, it would have been easier to spray today as my son is at daycare, but no I wanted to do a cartoon and I promised so I couldn't very well bail on that now could I? Anyway we'll get it sprayed tomorrow. What I really want to do is the get the forwarding address for the previous tenants to this place and post them a box full of live fleas with a note saying: "You left these behind, thought you might miss them".....douchebags.

Also as promised this week is an Ikea themed cartoon, I actually thought of this idea ages fact I think it was the last time I went to Ikea. I really liked the idea that it's not just their products they sell that require assembly with a goddamn allen key. Personally I'd love to watch some guys trying to put an entire building together using really vague picture diagrams for instructions and a giant fuck off allen key. Of course I am a rather sadistic prick. Which remind's me, I goddamn need to put the 2nd shelving unit together today, there's another afternoon gone of me yelling at an inanimate object and almost smashing it, oh and of course cursing Swedish people (sorry if your Swedish, I know it's not your fault, feel free to blame me for Bindi Irwin and Fosters)....ahhhh good times, fuck you Mr Allen and you dumb-ass keys.

Oh and a quick mention, I'm going to try experimenting with a new shadow technique, did you notice? I'm basically outlining the straight hatching areas, what do you think? I'll try it a bit more in the next few weeks and see how I like it.

I have quite a few creative friends, strangely enough I've met them most of them at my work (my other day job at a electrical retailer), one of these days I want to get as many of them together and make an awesome creative 'super group', it would be so awesome! We'd all be rich and successful together and make lots of cool shit. So one of my mates Adam is going all out and has stared a production company and is planing a short film, but he needs funding support. So please go to his site: and donate a couple of bucks to help him out. It's an awesome thing to go out on a limb and pursue your creative dreams, I respect all who do as one day I'd like to be able to make a living doing something creative myself as I've always got lots of ideas and dreams I want to accomplish. 

Ok, until next week my friends!


Monday, November 21, 2011

Son of a Clown!

Look, I know I said I'd have a brand new cartoon for you this week, but I didn't get a chance again sorry. I promise I'll have a new one next week, I promise this time, trust me. But in my own defence I have a really good reason this week as this morning whist my son was at daycare my lady and I were at the hospital, where she was getting her 19 week scan....yep, we're having another baby boy! Hence why I chose a baby related cartoon from the old vault and as you may know I really do love making fun of Ronald McDonald (and his 'crew')....can't say why, I just do.

So I did have a few hours spare this afternoon, not enough time to do a cartoon, or maybe, but I didn't want to rush it and do something half-arsed. Anyway I had something much more frustrating to do anyway. As I've mentioned over the last couple of weeks, we just moved house, we needed a few new things so we went out to Ikea yesterday. Some of the things we bought were too big for our car so we got them delivered today, 3 things in all; 2 shelving units and a sofa bed thing. In my spare couple of hours I thought I could knock out the 2 shelving units at least, oh how wrong I was.....I won't go into the details but after several cock-ups on my part (I blame the awfully vague picture diagram instruction bullshit.....that and I'm handyman retarded). I seriously contemplated smashing it to pieces and buying a new one. I was thinking "$79 for a couple of minutes of relief and pleasure, it's cheaper than a prostitute at least, with very similar result (just more messy...or maybe not, depends what gets you off I guess). I think it was the annoying long drive (a trip I made friggin' twice yesterday as I forgot a vital piece of my son's new bed!) back to Ikea that stopped me in the end, that and I'm sure Penelope wouldn't have been very impressed with me. How do you say "Shove you damn Allen Key up your ass!" in Swedish anyway? I'm pretty sure I'll be doing an Ikea themed cartoon next week, just a heads up....stupid little fucking Allen keys, god I hate them!

Until next week!


Monday, November 14, 2011

Bert and the Vaseline

Woops, sorry to do this again I have to post up an old cartoon from the vault this week as all day today we couldn't be in our brand spanking new house we moved into last week because it's getting sprayed for fleas. Yes, fleas....the slack bitch who lived in this house before us left in such a hurry that she didn't clean the place properly and 'forgot' to spray the place for fleas, even though she had a cat and dog. So we've moved in and a whole bunch of starving fleas are excited to finally get a feed. Strangely enough though I've hardly been bitten, but my lady and son on the other hand have been mauled, especially poor little Dash. I feel so bad, his poor little body is covered in bites, it makes me so sad to see him like that. Anyway, we couldn't be in the house all day and Dash was in daycare so Pen and I did some stuff then caught a movie, it's been so long since the two of us have seen a movie together, it was great. Oh we saw 'Drive' if you were wondering and it was awesome I must say.

This cartoon is another fine example of how I like to pick on pop culture characters, seriously though I mean everyone thinks Bert and Ernie are gay right? So I pretty sure this would happen if one of them did buy some vas, or some gay porn.....hey us straight guys buy gay porn every now and again too!! No not really

Anywho, it's gettin' late and I've had a really exhausting week or so, so I need my beauty sleep. I promise I try my best to have a new 'toon for next week. Later....


Monday, November 7, 2011

Gav the Jedi

Ok, this will only be short and brief this week as today I'm knee deep in the middle of moving house so I'm posting up an old 'classic' of mine from the old back catalogue and scheduling it beforehand to publish today.

If memory serves me correctly this one got published back in the day....wait, back in 2006, anyway I was working freelance for Live to Ride Magazine at the time. If I could be bothered I'd look back through all my old back issues and tell you when it got published, but I couldn't be arsed honestly, just take my word for it.

Until next week, when hopefully I'll have a shiny new cartoon for you to digest,
